Monthly Archives: August 2016

What eBay Sellers Can Learn From The Sale of ‘Samuel Allsopp’s Arctic Ale Circa 1852’

Time and gain, sellers in eBay have been reminded to not take the process of listing for granted. Listing and product data feed management is aimed not just at making the options available to a sea of buyers, but to make them attractive enough so that the latter is to make purchases while opening windows for making the deal more profitable in favor of the sellers themselves. and yes, using eBay seller softwares is only a small part of the entire deal.

The power of listing to make or break a seller in eBay can be summed up with the sale of ‘Samuel Allsopp’s Arctic Ale Circa 1952’ in the simplest way…

The story

This product of enormous historical significance was brewed specially for Sir Edward Belcher’s Arctic Expedition 1852 and also had a handwritten note with it. The first owner of this bottle sold this exceptional product for 304$ while the buyer of the same resold it for an astonishing 503,300$. While it is unknown if the original seller recovered from the jolt, the fact remains, that everything about this winner deal has to do with listing.

Here’s what went wrong with the first seller

The original seller made multiple mistakes in listing starting with spelling the name wrong. Instead of writing Allsopp’s with two p’s, there was only one p in the listing. This brought down the credibility of the product with prospective buyers. Secondly, the product had only three pictures which did not contribute to its believability.

What went right with Seller 2

Basically, seller 2 spelt the product right and posted many more pictures of the same which resulted in the massive success that most sellers can only wish for. The seller may also have conducted a proper valuation of this rare piece before putting it out for bidding. The moral of the story is to ensure that every last letter in listing contributes to enhancing the quality of the product. This applies not just in eBay but also when you sell on Sears, Amazon, Rakuten, sell on Walmart or anything else for that matter.

4 Reasons You Must Use eBay Listing Services

Ever since the Cassini was rolled out a couple of years ago, eBay has never been the same. Focus has shifted massively in the quality of the feed and the ways it is made applicable to the eBay customers. Sellers who wish to maintain their positions in the platform or gain a head-start in this marketplace, need to get their listing act together before it is too late. To think that the improvements will require nothing more than the basic eBay Amazon seller softwares, would actually be counterproductive in the near future. The road to ultimate listing in eBay 2016 though, rests with listing services.

eBay listing services that are made available by some of the most trusted third party e commerce solution developers help you customize and optimize your listing in complete harmony with the Cassini. From improving your titles, images and descriptions to enhance compatibility with the search engine, to customizing your feed for the sake of maintaining its unique identity among a sea of other competing products, these updated listing services can give you the boost that no other solutions can.

At the same time, you can also experience the bliss of easy movement of listing from your store to eBay and back while availing the advantage of updating you feed as you please in a smooth and hassle free way. You can also avail the advantage of variable pricing flawlessly with the help of these advanced listing assistance systems. Many sellers have expressed that this is more like a ‘use it to believe it’ option. This though, is not all.

Things get even better as sellers, new and experienced, small, midsized or large, come to realize that eBay listing services are not as expensive as sellers may have previously believed. This should be the ultimate boost for all sellers to sign up for these services right away.

Here’s How You Plug The Loopholes In Amazon Seller Central Flawlessly

Yes… this may have caused a mini heartbreak to many mesmerized sellers, but it is true that the seller central in Amazon is certainly not a fool proof solution to cover each and every aspect of Amazon selling. The shortcomings have been amply evident over numerous occasions making it critically essential for every merchant to seek solutions for plugging the loopholes when there is still time.

Say for example, Amazon seller central may allow flexible control over inventory but when it comes to handling returns, the sellers cannot expect any assistance from the seller central automation being a far cry. Similarly, advantages like using A+ content, access to Amazon Vine and Pantry is not available to the seller central users.

While the shortcomings may seem negligible in theory, but in practical usage, sellers are bound to experience slow and steady push-back in competition. The good news is overcoming the shortcomings and loopholes in the seller central are possible in a few not-so-expensive steps.

How to handle

  • At present, many e commerce solution providers who are known for offering high quality Amazon eBay management softwares are making seller central tools and softwares available as well, each of which infuse healthy features to manage issues individually as and when they come up. These options are easily available online some of which come with a sizeable trial period as well. Choosing suitable options and using them is advisable to improve seller central like never before.

  • Secondly, you can approach professionals directly for fool proof seller central integration solutions that go an additional step and offer customized benefits to individual sellers. This is one of those benefits that you cannot choose to overlook. You may have to spend some extra cash on the process, but it is assured to be worth the investment.

Shopping Feed Facelift Mini Guide For eBay Selling 2016

Your shopping feed needs a facelift… this phrase can be counted among the few other essentials that e commerce sellers never want to hear. The obvious results of the facelift though, can be very reassuring and motivating at the same time for sellers to jump into the process once again. A fresh new approach to shopping feed management is usually not a difficult task. All it takes is a little innovation and a little investment to make the listings become more profitable that they have been…

  • Firstly, determine why your target buyers want to buy at all? If a certain product has outlived its years of glory, it is wise to remove it from the listing. Taking the simplest of example, with iphones ruling the scene, Blackberry is not much in demand. If you are glorifying the latter while buyers are searching constantly for best deals in the former, your loss in assured. The thing is, if you don’t want to stock the former, stop listing the latter as well. This will help you save cost per listing in the respective platforms of sale.
  • If you are not using softwares for feed optimization, it’s about time you do so. Using the right softwares will save you hours of time and effort to give you the most suitable keywords that is likely to fetch the best of traffic to your store. it may also work in your favor to call in professional assistance for customized feed management which is allowed in many top performing platforms.
  • Thirdly, it never hurts to fortify your integration system with more powerful and feature packed tools that are released by e commerce solution developers from time to time. Be it Shopify eBay integration or 3D Cart Amazon or anything for that matter, feed management always gets a boost with improved integration