Category Archives: Shopify Google Shopping

3 Silly Ways To Lose Visibility In Walmart Marketplace

Whether in or any other e commerce marketplace for that matter, no seller in his / her right mind would want to lose visibility and ranking to factors that could otherwise have been addressed without much difficulty. However, there have been occasions when certain sellers in Walmart online marketplace have done their bit to invite the wrath of the platform thereby losing their visibility to nothing more than sheer silliness.

Here are 3 such common occasions that many have come face to face with while managing their presence in this upcoming online shopping destination…

  • You may have added that additional shipping charge at the time of checkout – There are 3 words for this mistake… ‘Don’t be greedy’ when you sell on Walmart marketplace. Many sellers often find themselves tempted to add that little extra shipping charge at the time of checkout, mainly for the sake of recovering the lowest price smack. The smart ones often lose their visibility immediately after smells out the act.
  • Your list price in Amazon has dropped by a cent – This is usually not a deliberate stunt in the part of the sellers mainly because prices in Amazon keep changing automatically often by the minute. If sellers are unaware of the price drop and picks a hint of it, there is every possibility that the seller will lose visibility.

    For selling entities that have carried out proper multichannel integrations like Walmart – Amazon / Shopify Google Shopping integration etc. are likely to remain at a safe distance from hassles as such.

  • You have introduced luxury super brands at super prices – Thirdly, unintelligent product introductions can often lead to sure shot invisibility. Say for example, high street brands at high street prices don’t usually sell in If you have introduced products that have not even earned a single view from prospective buyers, you can be rest assured that your listing will become wallpaper in no time at all.